Rokoroyo Voicebank Files


Gender: Male (Only Technically?)
Age: ???
Height : 100cm
Weight : 60Kg
Likes: Being held, Looking at ponds, Fish
Dislikes: Ghosts
Personality: Very solar and easily entertained

Creating Content with the UTAU

- You may create any kind of art out of him (All Kinds allowed)
- You may create any kind of music out of him
- You may create any kind of custom antenna for him
- You may create products with it and gain monetary profit as long as it's made out of emotion and creativity

*Make sure to tell me when you make content about him! I really like it!


Download Rokoroyo //ーーLatest Edition of Rokoroyo (06/12/2023), contains demo & extra

Download Rokoroyo Void //ーーLatest Edition of Rokoroyo Void (06/12/2023), contains demo & extra

Download Rokoroyo Synth //ーーUnlisted Voicebank

Download Rokoroyo Noise //ーーUnlisted Voicebank

Download Rokoroyo Nemuke //ーーUnlisted Voicebank

Conditions Of Use

You are free to use the public voicebanks in anything, the character is free to use and you can gain monetary profit from it.
You are advised to mention the UTAU name when used (easier for me to find your art)

About unlisted voicebanks:

Unlisted Voicebanks are only given to trusted people, friends, or people who know how to work with music well.
If you got a link for an unlisted voicebank, do not upload it to the public domain, you are only allowed to share it only if the original download links are unavailable.


I will be inserting more images in the future